Unlocking global opportunities in audio drama with international collaboration and mentorship
The Audio Drama
New opportunities to reach global audiences via online distribution have made it one of the most versatile, creative and accessible art forms. Audiences now accustomed to podcasts are willing to search out high quality drama. International festivals have introduced audiences to the idea of listening in other languages.
Empowering Performing
Arts Professionals
This project will introduce early career performing arts professionals from seven countries to the delights and opportunities of this remarkable art form. The project will also equip participants to internationalise their careers through giving them direct experience of collaborating with colleagues from other countries to make and distribute work.
Global Collaboration
and Residency
The programme begins with a two week residency in the 2023 European city of culture, Timisoara at the end of August 2023. Thereafter, participants will form small international consortia each of which will be commissioned to make a full length professional audio drama. A programme of master classes and individual mentoring supports the consortia.
Promoting International
Audio Drama
We will also be developing a slate of resources to promote and develop international audio drama